Originally built to be Jason’s personal ride.

Built in: 2016

Weight: 26 lbs

Jason found this wood in 2014. He saved it for two years before finally finding enough time to build this perfect ride. However, life happens and when he was nearing completion he found out his wife was pregnant with their third child. Be what it is. Jason sold this board to a store in Grand Rapids for a display piece.

Three years later the store closed down and Jason was able to buy The Swamp Board back. Only rode once, this board was in perfect shape.

“Swamp” is a puzzling term to most.

The woods that created the body of this board get their 100% uniqueness from a decade long death of the tree it was made from. When this tree died in the swamp it locked into a sister tree and remained standing for a long time. Absorbing tannin rich swamp water over a number of years. It caused this perfect wood to become black with stain for just about 10 feet up the trunk.