A couple years ago we “threw a rock” now we get to watch all the ripples!

Sterling Heights woodworking class making waves with celebrities, breaking stereotypes

“What does billionaire Sir Richard Branson, actor Amy Smart, and Spanx founder Sara Blakely have in common? They’ve all ordered custom-made paddle boards from a small group of Sterling Heights high school students. 

Now in its third year, a woodworking class at Henry Ford II High School is establishing a reputation designing water sports equipment for international figures. The woodworking program has built 20 boards over the past two years, honoring requests from celebrities such as Branson, Smart, Blakely, and “Cabin Reno” star Kristy Petrillo.

“I think it is cool that someone who has no affiliation with us likes what we are doing in class,” says woodworking teacher Christopher Davis. “If you had a billion dollars, would you ever contact a high school woodshop for a project?”

But the project is about much more than making boards. For teachers, patrons, and students it’s about supporting local youth, teaching entrepreneurship, and breaking barriers. The project encourages students to develop marketing skills, essential trade skills for a growing recreational industry, creativity, and teamwork.”

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