This “river” paddleboard has gotten world notoriety since its invention at the end of 2018. Based off the ideas of river tables that have become a popular furniture piece these last couple of years, Jason wanted to be the first real wood company to make a river board. After 6 months of designing the custom framing necessary to accommodate a river running through it, Jason made it happen.
“Making it hollow and strong was the tricky part.” Jason says. “It took a village to make this one happen.”
By teaming up with Exodus Painting for the epoxy work, as well as consultation from Jason’s mentor, Paul Jensen, multiple calls to specialty engineers and backing from our trusted partner in concept designs, Mary Bea of Mary Bea Art, the River Board went from dream to reality.
This translucent river is completely unobstructed by framing and runs the full length of the board. Noted and shared by some of the industry’s leaders in paddle boarding, this board has been seen by over 2 million people on social media and praised by builders from all over the globe. Yet to be duplicated, this one of a kind board sold in less than 10 hours from when first put on the market.
This SUP board’s owner is a return client of Little Bay Boards and has generously allowed us to display it here tonight. This summer The River Runs Through It Board will be heading to its forever home to make its first splash in the water.
We loved the River Run’s Through It Board so much we tested out a few more variations on the theme…